Monday, 16 August 2010

London Calling

Greetings all! Sorry for the radio silence, we've been having too much fun to be sitting around typing. But I haven't forgotten you - here is the update for the last few days.

Day 1: Leaving on a jet plane

I learned my lesson, and this time did not consume the tapenade in the Qantas club. I also dosed myself up on ginger travel tablets and thought everything would be fine. Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Ha. Ha. Yeah, no. On the plane everything was okay for the first few hours. By the time we got to Singapore I was feeling a little delicate and a lot tired, but mostly okay. Sitting in the waiting are was fun while the plane refuelled was less fun - they were doing major construction work upstairs and the noise was... very loud. Even with my earplugs in, I could feel the vibrations in my teeth.

It was hard to get back on the plane. I finally succumbed and had a sleep, then woke up with a massive (dehydration) headache. Which went on for the next 12 hours. I felt okay having small amounts to eat. I felt okay having small sips of water. But when the breakfast trolley was parked next to my seat and they started pouring the coffee - yeah, no. No no no no no. Standing up straight helped, as did more sips of water.

Basically I was feeling pretty gross but holding it together until we started descending. You know that little tummy roll you get when you are in an elevator and it goes down? Try that times about 15 billion. On a big dip, my tummy stayed in my throat and it was on for young and old. Not very dignified, and probably not much fun for the people around me.

We finally (finally!) landed in Heathrow and since the taxiing was taking forever, I had a little nap. And missed all the excitement of the police coming on board and "escorting" someone off the plane. Damn. We walked the 15 bazillion kilometers through the terminal and I went to clean up while El Spunko went to collect our bags.

The line at immigration was long. Fortunately I had some amusing queue neighbours who amused me with their commentary of everyone they saw. It was a total bitch-fest and all I wanted to do was go to sleep.

Explaining to the Cusoms lady that I was on my honeymoon but was not with my husband was fun. No, he went on ahead while I went to the ladies. Why didn't he wait? Well, we thought this would be faster. Why did I take so long? See the ick on my t-shirt? I went all exorcist on the plane. Oh. Yeah. Enjoy your stay.

We Spunko navigated the train into town and we hauled our packs to our hotel near Paddington. It was 8.30 in the morning but, bless them, our room was ready so I could crash for a half hour. A nap and a shower later, I was ready to see the world! Then trajedy... In my hurry to pack ALL THE THINGS I owned into my backpack, I'd kinda neglected to include some important stuff like info about our reservations, where we were staying, and my oyster card. Yes, I was popular for a while. So we headed back to Paddington, got a new card (not a huge deal, BTW), had something to eat and set off for Picadilly Circus.

Yes, the billboards are huge. We found a rail office and booked more of our train trips for next month and checked some stuff out. I found the Bravissimo store in Covent Grarden, they were having a sale, so I was in heaven.

Hammleys is a huge toy shop in London that is 250 years old - I kid you not. So of course we went to check it out. It turns out that toy shops on Saturdays during school holidays are really, really busy, so we had to play knock-them-over-to-get-through ghames with some 5 year olds. It's a jungle out there, I tell you. Finding free wifi in the nearby cafe was excellent, so I chilled out while my VUH had some clean geeky fun.

We finally made it back to our hotel and crashed. Well, I crashed while VUH went to check out the Tornado engine arriving in Kings Cross. The only other excitement that day was a 4.30am suger level crash, hurrah, and more much-needed sleep.

More to follow.

Best Thing: Those little single-servings of water that have the pull-back foil lids.
Worst Thing: Qantas coffee. The smell drives me over the edge into ick every time.

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