Monday, 23 August 2010

Kings Cross NOT St Pancras

Something important I have learned - even though they are next door to each other, Kings X and St Pancras are Not the same thing. Just sayin'.

Day 6, Thurs 19th Aug

Leaving London day. We had a quiet morning, packed our gear and headed to the train station. It took forever to find our platform number, but we managed to climb onto the Efinburgh train with time to spare.

The journey north was fine, but since it was raining we cheated and got a cab to our hostel in Edinburgh. My first Black Cab ride! The hostel involved climbing lots of stairs to get to our room. After dumping our stuff we went fir a walk and I found the nearest LYS in the next street! Sweet!

After dinner I spent the night looking at the side of Edin castle from the hostel window and listenng to the Tattoo and working on the thistle cardie while VUH went on a pub walk organized by the hostel. He is very good about giving me knitting time :)

I waited until very late and managed to call my mum for her birthday.

Edited to fix my iPhone spelling mistakes. Thanks, "smart" phone!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Heh, I am very Kate always!

glad to read that you are having a great time, missing you, lmk about coop, ok?