Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Skipping ahead a few steps...

We're in an internet cafe in Carcassonne trying to book accommodation in Paris. Not as easy as you would think :)

The last few weeks have been a blur, and I've ended up with the head-cold from hell. Plus, the spell checker on this computer is set to French, so everything is showing up as wrong.

This part of France is gorgeous. Ancient castles, canal, city walls, all that you would expect. (Apparently the place we vistied yesterday was used as a set for Prince of Thieves.)

Dinner last night was the local delicacy Cassole - a duck leg and pork sausage cooked in a bean casserole thing. VERY good.

I will try to catch up with Budapest > Venice > Florence > Milan > Barcelona > Madrid > Carcassonne. But for now please be assured that we are are safe and (mostly) well, still having a good time and finding lots of yarn shops :)