Friday, 16 July 2010

On The Road Again

Hello all,

It's been a while, but the Helen and Mike road train is set to start travelling again soon.

As you can probably tell from my last post, things have been busy. Yes, I planned to blog though the wedding, but that just didn't happen. We had an awesome, fabulous, wonderful time getting married. Being married is pretty sweet, I can definitely recommend it.

So, our next travel plan is to take a belated honeymoon for 2 months through Europe. We've purchased plane tickets, Eurail passes, travel insurance; most of the accommodation is booked; our itinerary is almost completed; and basically we're in the final planning stages - how exciting!

Here's the plan:
Other bits & pieces of Scotland
Billund, Denmark
Kirchlengern, Germany
Pfaffenhofen, Germany
Carcassonne, France
Then finally back to London and home again.

Sweet! It'll be a two-month odyssey with lots of fun, adventure, excitement and other superlatives that have not yet occured to me.

There will be yarn. Oh yes. There will be yarn. Pfaffenhofen in Germany is home to one of my favourite yarn makers, the wonderful Claudia at Wollmeise. I don't know really what else Pfaffenhofen has to offer, I'll be too busy weeping and saying things like "The yarn... is so pretty... so pretty". I've just found out about a fab yarn factory shop place near Milan, full of yarny goodness. I've spent the last week collecting information about local yarn shops (LYSs) and local knitting & crochet groups from Ravelry just to make sure I spend time amoungst my own kind. I'm sure by the time we get home, the people at Australian Customs are going to be very familiar with my shopping habits as they check every yarn parcel I will be mailing back.

Very Understanding Husband (VUH) aka Mike aka SpunkyBoy will be having some fun too - as well as being the master of all things travel planning-wise, we've made time for some of his hobbies. There are a few viaducts, at least one model railway museum, plus lots of train trips to keep us both satisfied. I'm very, very lucky to have someone so wonderful to be with, so I'm trying very hard not to overwhelm him by turning into a yarnazi.

It's going to be awesome!